This is the third time I've used this idea in some form or fashion. At our other library, we turned an entire loft bed into a haunted house on the outside, and on the inside was a bedroom with all of these scary things. This time to create the house, I wrapped an AV cart in black bulletin board paper, printed out a door and some windows from MS Word clip art, cut them out and attached them. 

The shingles took longer than anything--- cutting pieces of cardboard boxes and peeling back the top layer to expose the corregated rows.
I twisted brown bulletin board paper to make a scraggly-looking tree, and recycled the crumpled paper to make it look like fallen leaves. And some of the scary things about this house is that it's:
- Where nobody reads
- Where books get chewed up (note ferocious dog)
- Where books are used for everything but reading
4. Where there's no time to read
5. Where library books get damaged
6. Where library books disappear
Throw in some scary books, and you're all set!
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